Hi I'm Seb

Web 🌐 Developer

.NET 🖥️ Developer

Database 📇 Developer



Stacket is a to-do board application originally developed for personal usage, which aims to provide a platform for solo developers to manage their projects effectively. Stacket allows for unlimited boards and unlimited tasks stored locally. Built in .NET 5 with C# and WPF.


JazzNotes is a notes taking application designed for jazz musicians, it simplifies the note taking process by allowing PDFs and images to be annotated quickly and easily, and for all the notes to be filtered using a tag system. Built in .NET 5 with C# and Avalonia. Source code available.

Bookings Database

Database designed, populated and shown on a site. Built for Database module during my 2nd year of university, uses secure interaction with the database server using a username and password system. Built in HTML and PHP utilising Oracle DBMS and SQL. Source code available.